Sell More and Stress Less…

Every business sits on a foundation of a  brand strategy, but sometimes it needs a little help as the business grows and changes.
If you’re seeing low sales, are getting all the wrong clients, and are wondering if a new logo would inject new life into your business chances are your brand needs adjusting.
That’s where I come in!
I help ambitious small businesses learn what makes them special and how to communicate that with their perfect audience so they can uplevel and grow.
Whether you want to simply Troubleshoot, need a little Jumpstart to get your business humming again or are ready for a big uplevel I’m here for you!


Sometimes businesses don’t need or want “done-for-you” help but still need a solution. There’s this annoying question that they simply can’t Google or ChatGPT an answer for and they feel stuck, which is not a great feeling, I know!  They want an answer and an action plan created with them so they can continue to help themselves. This is where consulting comes in. After years of being a hands-on business owner, I can tell you that sitting down with an industry professional is 1000% faster and easier than spending hours and hours online hunting for answers from a search engine or an AI robot. Clients have told me that my advice has saved their business and helped them make more money in less time.

Graphic Design

A business’s marketing materials and logo are not its brand, but important visual parts of its brand. A logo is a visual symbol of a business with two main functions: Identify the company and separate it from its competition. That’s it. That’s what a logo is supposed to do. Combine a great logo with cohesively designed marketing materials and a business is well on its way to being memorable, which is what they need to get sales. Sometimes a business’s look gets outdated, outgrown, or stops working. That’s when a new logo or freshly created marketing materials help a business get back on track. If that sounds like you, click the button to learn how I can help!